Today marks the start of a very important day to our team at STOP Restoration. Today is known as the “Random Acts of Kindness Day”. As you should know by now, we don't only want to keep your homes safe and free of disasters, but we also want to be involved with our community by trying to make the world a better place for everyone. February 17th, we will be going out of our way to spread kindness to the community around us.
We are celebrating the day by making acts of kindness the new norm and so should you! We are inviting you and your families to celebrate with us by just doing kind gestures in your day to day lives. Whether it’s as small as smiling at a stranger in passing, opening a door for someone, donating, or even finding out something new about a coworker or classmate. The little things we do as a group can create a large impact on everyone around us and invoke better attitudes, happier moods, and increased morale. The more people that are aware, the more we can make a difference. #MakeKindessTheNorm
“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness”
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca